
Center area of Canada Justice League Against Corruption and abuses in Romania-Canada


(Standing up for human rights)

Chapter I. The organization’s purpose and character

Art. 1 The organization is a Romanian judicial person, non-profit, with no patrimonial activity, non-political and non-governmental, constituted based upon Law 21/1924 referring to judicial person and other in force legal stipulations.

Art. 2 The organization is called “THE LIEGE OF JUSTICE AGAINST CORRUPTION AND ABUSE IN ROMANIA”. Its object of activity is the upholding the human rights and its headquarters are in Romania, 1800 Lugoj, Piata Revolutiei no. 4, Timis country.

Art. 3 The organization is non-political, independent towards the state’s organizations and is constituted legally and free consent of its members.

Chapter Ii. The organization’s purpose and object.

Art. 1 THE LIEGE OF JUSTICE AGAINST CORRUPTION AND ABUSE IN ROMANIA has a primordial purpose to preserve, conserve, and develop on every way human values, promoting the principle of truth and justice, defending the human right, freedom and dignity of each citizen, as well as educating the citizens about the patterns of democracy.

Art. 2 The organization will act independently, with a large area of action between the state’s body, locally and central, institution of any rank, natural or legal person, joint stock or limited liability companies or other political, ethnical religious groups, and so forth. It will analyse also the injustice and abuse during the communist regime as well as after the revolution with the purpose to ensure uphold the laws in force, tracking and stopping corruption, profiteering, abuse and other destabilizing actions.

Art. 3 The organization’s concern is the social protection of it’s members as well as any citizen that will give a written notice, desecration of human rights, the consideration of the Rumanian citizen’s personality, right of private property and constitutional and international rights.

Art. 4 The organization analyses and investigates cases of injustice that were suffered by its members or those who address themselves to the organization. Together with the citizens it will elaborate proposals to better the in force law system. It will support the improvement of justice without hurting the citizen or his personality. It will collaborate with the state’s body locally and central to prevent and remove certain causes that can prejudice the integrity and dignity of the citizens.

Art. 5 The organization will collaborate with the unions, foundations; it will look up the consideration of labour law system of the employees rights, it will inform the proper authorities, in regard to prevent and eradicate abuse and corruption, informing written the authorities, in regard to provide solutions, according to the law.

Art. 6 The organization will inform the authorities about acts of corruption, profiteering, wangling, deceit, abuse and perjury, in order to take law full action, to ensure the protection of its members or citizens.

Art. 7. The organization will support the fight for social promotion of women, correspondingly with honourable work condition, the fulfilling of labour contracts and rights mentioned by the in force law system.

Art. 8 The organization will support the education and social protection of the youth, trying to provide jobs, support specialized specializing – professional, intellectual, cultural and sports. The local authorities will be appealed to in order to provide solution to youth’s problems.

Art. 9 The organization will collaborate with all institutions that are part of the state’s body. It will inform them in a correct and concrete way at all opportunities, meetings, conferences, in the cases noticed and found by the organization regarding abuses and infringements of legislation of human right, social protection of the individual by any officials; stopping, suspending and punishing those guilty; informing the police, district attorney, court houses. The notification will be made at the most hierarchic organizations, in order to solve the cases.

Art. 10 For the achievement of these noble purposes, the organization will conduct activities of cooperation and collaboration with all political parties, groups, political and non-political organizations, both national as well as international that act to establish in Romania true democracy and freedom, truth and justice, having a primordial purpose to uphold the human rights. It will act firmly and through all non-violent means against corruption, abuse and injustice, the infringement of national law system as well as international and infringement of human rights. In this regard the organization will ask assistance from national and international organizations and to continue and develop and achieve it’s goals.

Art. 11 The organization will support cultural folk, cultural and artistic activities, sport, and as well humanitarian activities.

Art. 12 The organization will give material support to it’s members, their children as many times the situation calls for it and is available.

Art. 13 The achievements of the goals and activity object will be made through every means admitted by Romanian law and international statutes.

Chapter III. Patrimony

Art. 1 The organization’s patrimony is exclusively cash and is made up from the amounts deposited by its founding members. Financial support is composed by: sign-up taxes, fees, donations, sponsorship, as well as interest free contribution from civil and legal person, composes financial support organizations, national and abroad ventures, interests resulted from bank deposits in lei and currency.

Art. 2 In order to legal settlements, organization will benefit by exemption from taxes.

Art. 3 Income from activities or services with patrimonial character, if they are meant to raise funds and material support to sustain the achievement of it’s main objective under terms of Law 21/1924, art. 40.

Art. 4 Should the organization seize to function the patrimony will be winded according to Law 21/1924.

Chapter IV. Members of organization. Entitlements and penalties

Art. 1 Any citizen of Romania or person having Romanian citizenship can be a member, regardless of sex, nationality, religion or political opinion. The members separated in:

- Founding members;

- Honorary;

- Active;

- Sympathetic.

Art. 2 There cannot be members those who were part of former repression bodies during the communist regime, those which abused their positions or ignored fundamental human rights, who prevented or prevent at any cost the achievements of the noble and holy ideals of democracy.

Art. 3 The members are entitled to:

- Participate at every general meeting;

- To elect or be elected in leading positions;

- To actively participate at the achievement of objectives of the organization.

Art. 4 To be elected in central leadership positions, local coordination, branches.

Art. 5 To ask the organization’s help to solve personal issues, but only with visible results and concrete economical contribution to the organization’s development.

Art. 6 The obligation to respect exactly the stipulation of the statute, to fight for it’s completes fulfilment. To equally take part at all actions performed by the organization. To honour their fees or donation to which the freely subscribed to.

Art. 7 If they deliberately break their obligation, the membership will be withdrawn.

Art. 8 The withdrawal of the membership is proposed and analyzed by the Managing Council and approved by the general meeting. If conflicts occur in between members or between members or organization, the Central Managing Council will be noticed, which will analyses the conflict and call for the General Meeting, for the solution to be found. The complains addressed against members or the organization to the state’s body without prior notice to the General Meeting will lead to exclusion.

Art. 9 The membership in the managing meeting can only be withdrawn at the general meeting.

Art. 10 The central managing council is in charge of center coordination appointment or removal.

Chapter V. Organigram and Leadership

Art. 1 The supreme entity in the organization’s leadership is the General Meeting, which is held once a year or whenever necessary by president or vice president of the central Managing Council.

Art. 2 The Central Managing Council reports to the General Meeting the activity conducted during a mandate of 5 years.

Art. 3 The General Meeting is entitled to modify through aditionary document certain articles from the statute.

Art. 4 The Central Managing Council establish through voting the organization’s welfare and monitors the activity of the Administrating Council.

Art. 5 For the verification of the information supplied by members or any other person, there will be established committees of investigation that answer strictly to the Central Managing Council.

Art. 6 All members are equally entitled to vote.

Art. 7 The Central Managing Council operates at it’s head quarters in Lugoj, Piata Revolutiei, no. 4.

Art. 8 The organigram is the following:

- The Central Managing Council;

- Administration Council;

- Territorial coordinating centres;

- National and international branches;

- Subsidiary branches;

Art. 9 The Central Managing Council is lead by an executive office made up from:

- President;

- Two vice presidents;

- Secretary;

- Two members.

Art. 10 The administrative council is made up from:

- Executive manager;

- Economic manager;

- Administrative manager,

- Two members.

Art. 11 The Central Managing council decides and analyses the necessity of giving salary to those implied effectively in the organizations program and the wages according to their position.

Art. 12 The Central Managing Council establishes a Regulation of Internal Order, for the proper functioning of all activities.

Art. 13 The Central Managing Council and coordinating centres, branches are made up from members of the organization.

Art. 14 The position in Managing Committees at any hence are established through anonymous vote or written the committee.

Art.15 The managing body are elected for a period of 5 (five) year or with right of unlimited re-election for outstanding actions.

Art. 16 According to the law, the president and the two vice presidents must have Romanian nationality.

Art. 17 The Central Managing Council excludes and ask for the General Meeting, if serious infringements of the organization’s statute occur, of ethics, or moral prejudices to the organization on it-s members are made. This measure will be based upon very convincing proof.

Art. 18 The president cannot be excluded. If he is guilty of breaking the statute, he will resign, as an honorific act. If he doesn’t resign his guilt will have to be proven throughoutly

Art. 19 A member who was excluded cannot be part of the organization again.

Art. 20 The organization is constituted for unlimited time period.

Chapter VI. The organization’s definition

Art. 1 “THE LIEGE OF JUSTICE AGAINST CORRUPTION AND ABUSE IN ROMANIA” – is a statuary organization, non political, non governmental and does not depend to the state’s body, respects the Constitution and law system, The Statement of Human Right and international regulations.

Art. 2 The organization must verify and investigate, in order to establish truth and justice and provide solutions for the problems of citizens or it’s members.

Art. 3 The organization must inform about the abuses and proven corruption the following:

- The presidence of Romania;

- The Romanian Parliament;

- The Public Secretary of State;

- The Rumanian Government.

as many times is necessary. The content of these notices, accompanied by proper solutions will be announced to all citizens through mass media. In order to do that, the organization reserves the right to access any informative and documentary source.

Art. 4 “THE LIEGE OF JUSTICE AGAINST CORRUPTION AND ABUSE IN ROMANIA” – doesn’t depend on any party, organization or venture, political or non-political groups, national or international. The organization will not interfere with the activity of any party, organization, venture and groups rejecting any kind of influence traffic or manipulation in the activity of the organization.

Chapter VII. Interaction and dissolving

Art.1 The organization can interact with other organization with similar purposes with the approval from the General Meeting of those organizations.

Art. 2 The dissolving of the organization can be made through the decision of the General Meeting at the initiative from the president, a limited period not being constituted. It is dissolved when least the minimal legal number of members (20 person) in the General Meeting cannot be constituted for over 6 (six) mounts in row.

Art. 3 If the organization is dissolved, the patrimony is liquidated according to the Low 21/1924.

Chapter VIII. Establishing clubs within the organization

Art.1 Within the organization there can be established close circuit clubs, for it`s members at central, territorial and branch level.

Art. 2 Founding members are entitled members of these clubs. They mutually agree issue upon the functioning of the clubs is carried out, acceptance of new members, how will they function, rights and obligations, material supplement and the nature of the activities.

Chapter IX. Adhering

Art. 1 The organization cans adhere to all internal and international similar entities in activity.

Chapter X. Disputes

Art. 1 All conflicts between members are handled by the Discipline Commission, which operates alongside the Managing Council and is lead by the organization’s president.

Art. 2 The conflicts with other natural or legal person are carried out in courts of low.

Art.3 At any kind of disputes, along those about the activity of the organization, regardless of their nature the members of the organization, the members of the organization can be represented in justice by legal councillors, who act within the organization (Managing Council, territorial or branch centres), under the condition that they must present their mandate, identity card, signed and stamped by the leaders of Managing Council, territorial or branch centres. Legal councillors within the organization can sustain members at any level (court house, appeal court, Supreme Court of Justice)

Chapter XI. Final statements

Art. 1 Within the organization and Managing Council level, will be established auditing commissions with specialized personnel who will verify and coordinate the usage of money funds for purposes selected to the activity of the organization, in a legal way.

Art. 2 In order to support and help members of the organization, as well as the organization itself, then will be collaborations with similar institutions, organizations, natural or legal person from abroad, to obtain the needed support.

Art. 3 The organization becomes legal person after the registration al the proper authorities. It will lose this quality after liquidation and following procedures.

Art. 4 Any stipulation that is not legal is void, and norms that are acknowledged internally and internationally apply from the start.

Art. 5 This statute was adopted at the General Meeting of establishment and represents the fundamental, organizatoric and functional low system of the organization. It was signed at 20Dec 1996 and made 6 copies in Romanian at Lugoj.




2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Va multumesc pentru existenta acestei Institutii adr, dupa ce am citit Statutul Dumneavoastra de functionare am realizat ca nu aveti absolut nici p putere de a ajuta un cetatean roman (fie el aici in Canada ori in Romania). Pina ve-ti obtine mai multa putere, recunoastere si autoritate, se pare ca este doar pierdere de timp ce faceti Domniile voastre acolo.
V-as sugera sa incercati sa gasiti o recunoastere (macar) de la EU sau vreun forum mai important ... ar fi un pas in fata, considerind ca acum nu puteti face nimic pentru nimeni. ... Din pacate doar o pagina pe internet ...
Va multumesc oricum, ... este un inceput ...

Admin spunea...

Unde este locatia dvs.ca sa va explicam ca sa intelegeti ce facem noi.
Daca stati in Romania inseamna ca o sa intelegeti mai mult, iar daca sunteti in Canada este greu de inteles.
Daca toti stam de o parte si nimeni nu face nimic evident ca nu poti realiza nimic.
Da aveti dreptate, nu avem putere conferita de lege, dar atata cit avem incercam ca simpli voluntari sa sesizam incalcarile grave ale legilor din Romania.
Daca in Romania societatea civila ar fi organizata pe baza de lege si cu implicarea tuturor atunci putem spune ca Romania va deveni un stat modern democratic.
Alaturati-va oriunde a-ti fi, unei organizatti fiindca numai asa se va putea face ceva.
Avem extrem de multe cereri, sesizari,reclamati si dosare rezolvate ale cetatenilor, insa este greu atat cu logistica cit si cu personal pregatit in lupta cu coruptia si abuzurile din Romania.
Lupta noastra continua cu toate riscurile care rezulta din aceasta batalie cu coruptia.
Va multumim pentru mesaj si va dorim mult noroc si sanatate.